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Australian Aviation Associations Forum calls for action on AASR report

written by WOFA | June 10, 2014

Will the recommendations of the ASRR get airborne?

The Australian Aviation Associations Forum says it welcomes the independent report into Australia’s aviation safety system.

The federal government-commissioned report into aviation safety regulation (AASR) in Australia has called for substantial cultural and structural changes at the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and for better leadership of and coordination between Australia’s aviation safety agencies. A comprehensive review of the report was published here.

In a June 6 statement, the AAAF said it agrees with the need to reform the current leadership of CASA at both the board and senior management levels, and notes that the government has the opportunity to turn the report into significant action on essential aviation reform.

“The Forum hopes that the ASRR Report is the catalyst for significant and urgent action by Deputy Prime Minister Truss,” the statement reads.

Action should included a total renewal of the CASA board to realign CASA “with the values identified as missing in the report”; appointing an acting Director of Air Safety; and the establishment of an Aviation Industry Advisory Council, “as per Coalition policy”, the statement says.


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