Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has announced the launch of a ‘China Strategy’ as it seeks to push an increase in air services into Asia.
In a statement, BAC CEO and Managing Director Julieanne Alroe said adopting the new China Strategy meant BAC would challenge the status quo in the aviation and tourism industry. “Our approach means letting go of preconceived ideas about where Brisbane should sit in the mindset of the Chinese market. We want to build a compelling case for Chinese business, leisure and education visitors to choose Brisbane as their first port-of-call in Australia.”
Andrew Brodie, BAC’s General Manager of Airline and Retail Management said the initial focus of the strategy would be to increase Brisbane Airport’s profile in the market as a competitive gateway to Australia. “Then, building on the great work already done by Tourism Australia, Tourism and Events Queensland and Brisbane Marketing, we’ll also be looking to help build Brisbane’s destination brand with consumers. At the same time, we’re over-hauling our own facilities and services at the Airport, delivering a sophisticated, only-in-Brisbane redevelopment of core parts of the International Terminal and introducing special services for our Asian passengers.”
BAC says its China Strategy will remain a key priority for the airport over the next five to 10 years.