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Binskin sworn in as new Chief of Defence Force

written by WOFA | July 1, 2014


New CDF ACM Mark Binskin & outgoing CDF, GEN David Hurley at the June 30 ceremony in Canberra. (Defence)
New CDF ACM Mark Binskin & his predecessor GEN David Hurley at the June 30 ceremony in Canberra. (Defence)

Former Vice Chief of Defence Force, AIRMSHL Mark Binskin, has been promoted to Air Chief Marshal and sworn in as the nation’s new Chief of Defence Force in a ceremony in Canberra on June 30.

ACM Binskin is a former RAAF Mirage and Hornet pilot after transferring from the RAN following the decommissioning of the RAN’s HMAS Melbourne and its fixed wing air combat fleet in 1982. During his career he has commanded 77SQN and Air Combat Group, and has held the positions of Air Commander Australia and Chief of Air Force.

“My intent is for a Defence Force assured of success at all levels of operations; from humanitarian and disaster response through to high end warfighting. A joint force that can control the air, maritime and land domains and associated cyber space in an operation. A joint force that fully understands and uses our enablers to the best effect; including space, intelligence, electronic warfare, acquisition, logistics, IT systems – and most importantly, how we prepare our people,” ACM Binskin said of his priorities as CDF.

“My priority over the next four years is to successfully transform the ADF into the next generation force in accordance with the strategic direction of the upcoming 2015 White Paper. We must learn from the successes and failures of our past to ensure that we transition as a capable and professional force that is trusted and respected by all Australians and the region.”

‘Binny’ succeeds GEN David Hurley who has retired from the military and will become Governor of NSW when the incumbent Dame Marie Bashir retires in October.

AIRMSHL Binskin is promoted to the rank or Air Chief Marshall by his wife, Gitte, and by outgoing CDF, GEN David Hurley. (Defence)
AIRMSHL Binskin is promoted to the rank or Air Chief Marshal by his wife, Gitte, and by outgoing CDF, GEN David Hurley. (Defence)

Former Chief of Navy, VADM Ray Griggs has moved across into the VCDF role, and has been succeeded by RADM Tim Barrett who was promoted to Vice Admiral and also sworn in on June 30.


Retaining their positions of Chief of Air Force and Chief of Army for at least another year are AIRMSHL Geoff Brown and LTGEN David Morrison respectively.


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