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Jetgo’s first Embraer ERJ-140 due in October

written by WOFA | August 25, 2014

Jetgo Embraer E140LR
The Jetgo Embraer ERJ-140LR at Republic Airlines’ facility in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Regional carrier Jetgo’s first Embraer ERJ-140 has emerged from the paintshop sporting the airline’s colours and is undergoing final checks and awaiting the installation of some avionics upgrades before making its way to Australia.

The Embraer ERJ-140LR, registration VH-ZJG, is at Republic Airlines’ facility in the US state of Kentucky having completed its paint job and C-check, with some new avionics due to be installed shortly.

Jetgo managing director for airlines Paul Bredereck says the ERJ-140 was expected to make its acceptance flight on September 28, which is a little later than planned due to a delay in getting some avionics components.

“I expect that that aircraft will be coming into Australia some time in early October,” Bredereck said.

The aircraft is one of three ERJ-140s Jetgo has acquired from Republic Airlines.

Meanwhile, Bredereck said training and route proving flights for the start of Jetgo’s regular public transport (RPT) service was progressing well.

Jetgo, which to date has been a charter and fly-in/fly-out, operator, was expected to conduct two more flights this week, with the first scheduled for Wednesday August 27 and the second slated for Friday August 29 using the airline’s existing Embraer ERJ-135 aircraft.


Bredereck said the airline was less than a week away from confirming its inaugural RPT route, with Sydney to Roma one of several potential routes under consideration.

“The RPT operations, when we kick them off, we will use our current Embraers ERJ-135s, to start with,” Bredereck said.

Jetgo Embraer E140LR
Jetgo Embraer ERJ-140LR at Republic Airlines’ facility in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. (Jetgo)


  • Joseph Favazza


    Great Aircraft, Great Logo and I wish you the very best. JPFAMC

  • Gus Slattery


    The Aircraft looks great. I would be interested to know paint system was aplied.

  • Dee


    SYD to RMA seems an interesting route, maybe to fit in with Roma’s many cattle sales for feedlots and restockers in the Southern States. Could possibly do DRW/RMA for the live cattle exporters as well, will be interesting to see their routes when announced.

  • Adrian


    –or for FIFO for the expanding oil & gas industries of Southern Qld?

  • Jason Bendeich


    Dee, I would imagine the interest in Roma would be the massive mining and gas projects in the Surat Basin rather than cattle.

  • BDT


    I am always interested with new players to see how they find that balance between the commercial drive to be operating and the required safety considerations.

    On my inspection of the Jetgo website, to find out more about them, I couldn’t help notice the criteria for Captain and First Officer recruitment does not include the typical Instrument Rating with a certain number of renewals. Seems the aircrew recruitment criteria may not have been set by a well experienced pilot?

    Are they rushing too much to be in the game???

  • Paul


    Ha, BDT. Experience doesn’t necessarily revolve around number of renewals. I know a number of pilots who still are ‘questionable’ to say the least, after a dozen renewals. Look at basic competency, airmanship, and teamwork (crm). I think you’ll find Jetgo will meet the standards.

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