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RACQ CareFlight receives $300 million in government funding

written by WOFA | December 16, 2014

A Careflight Bell412HP.
A Careflight Bell412HP.

The Queensland government will contribute $300 million to RACQ CareFlight Queensland over the next decade to assist with the operations of the state-based helicopter rescue service and to upgrade its helicopter fleet and network of bases.

“The Newman government has provided CareFlight with certainty over the next decade, enabling the service to continue to meet community expectations and needs and to commence a fleet renewal strategy that will see ageing aircraft replaced,” RACQ CareFlight Queensland chairman Rob Borbidge said.

The replacement of RACQ CareFlight’s 11 helicopters will commence immediately with the first two new helicopters, likely to be AW139s, due to arrive in early 2015.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman made the 10-year funding commitment in Brisbane on Tuesday.

CareFlight announced in late October 2014 the group would launch Australia’s first AW139 helicopter training centre to serve CareFlight and other AW139 operators.

A Thales Reality H Level D AW139 full flight simulator is currently under construction at its aeromedical training academy, based at Brisbane Airport and will be operational in 2016.


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