Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the next rotation of Australian Defence Force’s service chiefs on March 26.
Taking over from AIRMSHL Geoff Brown as Chief of Air Force (CAF) will be the current Deputy Chief of Air Force, AVM Gavin ‘Leo’ Davies. AVM Davies joined the RAAF in 1979 as a navigator on P-3B and P-3C Orions. He completed pilot training in 1987 and in 1988 was posted to the F-111C at Amberley.
AVM Davies flew an exchange tour on USAF F-111Ds from 1990 to 1992, served as executive officer of 1SQN from 1997, Commanding Officer of 1SQN from 2002, and as officer commanding 82WG from 2004.
In 2006 AVM Davies worked as Director Combat Capability at Air Force Headquarters, before deploying to the Middle East Area of Operations to work in the Combined Air Operations Centre there. In 2008 he returned to serve as Director General Capability Planning at Air Force Headquarters before being posted as Australia’s Air Attache to Washington in 2010. AVM Davies returned from the US and assumed the role of Deputy Chief of Air Force in January 2012.