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Aviation jobs in demand: survey

written by WOFA | April 24, 2015

Virgin Australia staff in front of an Airbus A320. (Virgin Australia)
Virgin Australia staff in front of a Virgin Australia Regional Airlines Airbus A320. (Virgin Australia)

Almost half of all Australians are keen to take to the skies through a career in aviation, with jobs at Virgin Australia and Qantas among the most sought after, a survey says.

Virgin was named the nation’s most attractive employer at the Ranstad Awards in Sydney on Thursday, with half of those surveyed saying they would like to work for the John Borghetti-led carrier.

The report said Virgin was “particularly attractive when it comes to having a pleasant working atmosphere, a good work-life balance and strong management”.

“Our people have been key to the successful transformation of the airline over the past few years, and this award is testament to their outstanding professionalism and dedication to excellence,” Virgin group executive for people, culture and sustainability Geraldine Chin Moody said in a statement.

The top three most attractive industries to work. (Ranstad)
The top three most attractive industries to work. (Ranstad)

“Our focus is on supporting our team to actively manage their careers and develop to their full potential. Our people get opportunities to be involved in our transformational projects and build their skills internally.”

Qantas was recognised as the fifth most attractive employer in the country, behind Virgin, the ABC (2nd), the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (3rd) and the Seven Network (4th).

The Flying Kangaroo was also recognised as the most attractive employer for the younger generation.


More broadly, 45 per cent of those surveyed said they would like to work in the aviation industry.

“Organisations such as those who are recognised in the Randstad Award, who act positively and clearly communicate to their staff the value of the work they do and the role they play in society, have an opportunity to not only build trust, but to also attract bright and ambitious people to work for them,” Ranstad Australia chief executive Frank Ribuot said.

The survey interviewed 12,002 Australians of working age between September 8 and December 23 2014.

The winners of the Ranstad Awards. (Ranstad)
The winners of the Ranstad Awards. (Ranstad)


  • Greg Stevenson


    Isn’t that interesting! I’m not sure if those persons who are interested in working in the “Aviation Industry” all want to be flight or cabin crew, or Engineers of varied types.

    If it’s Engineering; forget it.

    For what I know there is very little training opportunities for engineers to be trained; E.G. Apprenticeships etc. in Australia.
    The airlines themselves have very few if any apprenticeships these days, as most if not all of the maintenance is done overseas.
    The fact is that with the growing cost of having maintenance done overseas is now leading to having it done back here in Australia.
    That will be a problem, as there is a lack of fully trained and qualified engineers to carry out this work.

  • franz chong


    I am trying to get into anything in that field except of course flying a plane but short of doing 800 plus hours of study to get back in there or rejoining a Travel and Tourism college through my job service provider paying for me

  • BDT


    A couple of questions for clarity:

    What does FMCG stand for?

    Why is the total of the top 3 sectors potential employees would like to work 125%…?

  • hemantha


    this is very funny. people from out side see a heavenly picture.

    people really do not know what is really happening inside. cabin crew are taken via a separate company so they only wear the uniforms and show to the world some other thing. even ground staff are not really airline they too are hired through out side companies.

    then when they have to work 24/7 people realizes it is harder and not worth the money comparing to their friend who work in the cooparate jobs.

    then most of the airlines due to payload restrictions due to now they are flying (stupid) nonstop sectors leave staff passengers behind even though the aircraft phisically has vacant seats. how pitty it is for working hard day/night and come to go on leave asked to go back and come and try next day.

    with your family you come to go on your planned holiday and do not know
    what is going to happen at the airport.

    people come from Perth/melbourn to sydney to get on a flight to go to losangeles and are told that they are not accepted so where to go only they can have a sydney holiday.

    then comes the usual delays or and technical problems and staff has to stay back to find hotels for the passengers and do not know sitting or standing in the end.

    every where in the world even in the third world – Aviation or working at the airport all out side people thinks it is in the sky or heaven but they do not know they have to work on the ground 80PC to get that 20pc flying.

    work in the sun/summer/cold/rain and winter and come to work at 0230 am 5 days per 7 days is hard?
    then go off at 2300 (thanks to the night closure only at sydney) other wise 24/7.

    airlines do not care about night or day. then comes landing and departing slots and the companies do not care at all for that and just clear every thing and all so staff has to come to start working not only aviation but also customs/immigration and duty free and airport restaurant people too has to suffer in this lucky country. even though Australia is in a good position geagraphycally wise some airlines do not care ethics of sleeping and noise and life is not making money only etc….

    so think of it and do a research on this aviation jobs think twice before you jump.

    aviation job is only suitable to few dedicated people who loves and loves to work 24/7 and still go on.

  • Garry


    125% would be the minimum, due too fuel, LAME and other related costs. Any aircraft is costing the company money in the air, and even more, every second it’s on the ground.

  • Garry


    FMCG. Fast moving consumer goods. Commercial aircraft are paid by large, companies too carry, and deliver there products, fast, safely, as well as being cost effective.

  • Freddie


    It is interesting that people already employed with Virgin find them a terribly hard company to work for – long hours, little money and no chance of a lifestyle. Qantas employees are fairly much on the same track – offering new employees even less in wages that existing employees. I have friends and relatives working for both airlines and they assure me that Aviation is not the chosen employee. They are looking for other jobs and brushing up on their studies. I have a niece who is working in retail and she is earning more money than those in Aviation and she doesn’t have to be a walking encyclopaedia and remain current and constantly be examined in many areas as those in Aviation. The glossy pages hide the real fact of the human cost to be employed in Aviation.

  • John



    Weight/payload restrictions exist for an number of reasons. Weight, balance, fuel requirements, weather en route, alternate airports, etc, and all these factors can and do impact the acceptance of staff passengers. Staff travel benefits are a privilege, not a right. If you are a family and expect to get four/five seats on a long-haul flight during peak periods (eg; school holidays), then you clearly do not understand how the system works. Study your route, flight loadings, peak times etc, and if you have to be somewhere at a particular time and cannot afford delays, buy a commercial ticket; there is no shortage of options.

    Also, please spell/grammar check before you post anything for the wider world to read. Your post was amusing, but not for the right reasons.

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