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CareFlight’s rapid response captures dramatic image

written by WOFA | April 20, 2015

CareFlight_landing_webThis dramatic image taken by Aircrewman David Gardiner shows CareFlight’s rapid response BK117, callsigned ‘CareFlight 4’, shortly after landing on the busy Pennant Hills Road in Sydney’s north-west late in the afternoon on April 18.

Police had stopped northbound traffic to allow the BK to land briefly to drop off its medical crew to attend to a pedestrian who had been stuck by a car.

Launching from its base at Westmead Hospital, CareFlight 4 was on scene within minutes, navigating a series of light poles and headlights from the southbound traffic to land safely opposite two car dealerships.

CareFlight’s doctors assisted NSW Ambulance paramedics to treat the male pedestrian including sedation and intubation to maintain vital signs before continuing the treatment in a road ambulance to the Royal North Shore Hospital.

CareFlight’s Helicopter Emergency Rapid Response Trauma Service aims to deliver a specialist doctor, highly skilled paramedic and specialised equipment to a patient anywhere in its operating area within 15-20 minutes of a triple zero call.


  • BDT


    That is a fantastic photo.

    What a great capability to have.

  • Raymond


    Extremely grateful for the special effort that’s made to help and for the medical expertise available.

  • Alton


    Just goes to show the great airmanship the crew has to navigate the obstacles in the area to land in such a space…absolutely well done !

  • jamieson


    to this hard working young man we have lost way to early r.I.p to his family we are thinking of you

  • Alan


    Great work by all those involved.
    Reminds me of an incident some years ago where the Vic Police Air ambulance landed on a busy road just outside a McDonalds late one night. With major roads blocked off, the Air ambulance cautiously approached when I noticed a car trying to short cut out the Maccas exit. A quick dash across and a stop prevented them from driving into the tail rotor. The crew had eyes on the whole time. Still can see the look on the drivers face when they finally saw the helicopter come into view, not from left or right field but from above !!

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