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Sydney Airport investigating electric buses for car park shuttle service

written by WOFA | May 11, 2015

An aerial image of Sydney Airport. (Sydney Airport)

Sydney Airport says it is looking at replacing the six diesel buses that currently run from the two domestic terminals to a nearby car park with electric vehicles.

The airport said on Monday it had opened expressions of interest for an open tender to supply electric buses for the “busy shuttle route” that carried about 1.6 million staff and passengers in 2014 between Terminals two and three and the Blu Emu car park.

“We are always looking to improve the efficiency of our ground transport operations and to do so in a sustainable way,” Sydney Airport general manager for parking and ground transport Craig Norton said in a statement.

“Finding sustainable transport solutions is a priority for the airport, and advances in electric vehicle technology in recent years mean we can now look seriously at the feasibility of introducing electric buses.”

Sydney Airport said manufacturers from both Australia and overseas were invited to register, with notices of the tender published in the US and UK, as well as across Europe and Asia.

The deadline for applications is June 12.



  • Regular Traveller


    “We are always looking to improve the efficiency of our ground transport operations” This guy has to be joking!

    6 electric buses OMG! Try looking at Dallas or Atlanta airports and you’ll see the difference between a service and a screw the passengers every chance we can get scheme. I’ll never understand why Australians put up with such appalling infrastructure???

  • Peter Haig


    How about Sydney Airport prioritise and investigate a better transit system between the domestic and international terminals. This would be my most disliked transit system anywhere in the world and, I for one, actively avoid it for international connections thereby reducing income fro Sydney Airport. An underground electric shuttle comes to mind or even a moving walkway!

  • Gaeme Hooper


    Watch out passengers will be charged to use it or another $5 added to daily parking fees. A automated light rail underground connecting all 3 terminals in fact 4 if you consider north and south pier on International. Run every 5 minutes would save a lot of bus transfer between all points

  • Adrian


    At least they are at long last starting to look at these possibilities.
    A lot of the pollution comes from support vehicles many of them chugging away while stationary..

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