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Got a spare US$432 million? Walk this way, your A380 awaits…

written by WOFA | January 15, 2016

Dubai_2015_-_Day_1_-_A350_flying_display_5It always boggles the mind to look over the price-tags of new airliners whenever Airbus or Boeing update their list prices.

Earlier this week Airbus released its average list prices for 2016, updated after a “price adjustment” of 1.1 per cent across its range. Not surprisingly the four-engine, double-decker A380 tops the table with a list price now at US$432.6 million (that’s over $615 million in AUD), a figure to make the eyes water of even the most hardened airline chief financial officer.

Further down the range – see table below – a new A350 will set you back around US$300 million, while the hot-selling A320neo lists at US$107.3 million (or A$153 million).

Undoubtedly the A380 retains its crown as the world’s most expensive airliner – according to Boeing’s 2015 list prices a 747-8I can be had for US$378.5 million, while its most expensive aircraft is in fact the 777-9X, which lists at US$400 million. But that’s not surprising, as the A380 is also the world’s biggest airliner, by some margin.

And just how much an airline would actually pay for an A380, or indeed any new Airbus or Boeing airliner, is a closely-guarded secret. But best estimates reckon most airlines receive a discount of 40 to 50 per cent off the list price.

A half price A380, now that sounds more appealing!

Airbus 2016 average list prices (millions of US$) 



















 A330-200 Freighter















  • bob


    These numbers don’t mean much. Just look at a data plate in most cockpits and you’ll find that their owned by a bank or leasing company then sub leased multiple time in “creative” acconting tricks. Another scam is the US Im-Ex bank that effectively dumps Boeing orders on the US tax payer. I’m sure the europeans have a similar setup. A nobody airline like Lion Air getting 200 planes should raise suspensions as to where the funding came from.

  • Gary


    Lion air, 200 jets, wrong try 110. Indonesia has a population ten times that of Australia yet they have a fleet of jets for one airline roughly the same as Virgin. Sounds wholly reasonable to me. Thankfully Boeing and possibly Airbus do get subsidised big time, they employ thousands directly and hundreds of thousands indirectly.

    As for the A380, it still looks like a whale with a similarly priced tag to match. Given running costs and upkeep, I suggest the size of this jet and the reason for having one speaks more about the narcissism and vanity of the owner as opposed to the greatness of the jet

  • Malki


    Boeing and Airbus are both heavily subsidised (last I read) and couldn’t suvive without it… By the way, I love to buy one of those 777s but they’re a tad out of my price range… Just a tad… ???

  • Rachel


    I agree with Gary on the A380!

  • Gary & Rachel
    I suspect you haven’t flown in this beautiful aircraft. I have travelled in both Business Class and in Premium Economy with Qantas, Singapore Airlines and British Airways with this beautiful aircraft. I can tell you sitting in Business Class on the top deck of this aircraft at Heathrow Airport at the start of the take-off run down the runaway with the amazing surge of its engines is still to me one of many memorable flights. It seems just effortless to power this aircraft off the ground.

    I have flown countless times from Melbourne to London, Sydney and Melbourne to Los Angeles at twice (with Singapore Airlines) from Singapore to Melbourne (in Business Clas) andCan tell you that if faced with a choice of flying with a B747 or Airbus A380.on a rout the Airbus380 always wins. In fact I will often change my date of travel to ensure I can fly in this beautiful aircraft

    I can tell if

  • Tom O


    Next time you get on a commercial flight look up at the door seam when entering the aircraft where all the manufacturing plates and ownership details can be seen. You will be surprised to see who is leasing what to who!

  • Mark in Hkg


    Agree with Andrew – from a passenger perspective the A380 is superbly comfortable, quiet and a real pleasure to experience. Amazingly smooth through all phases of flight, but yes it does look like a whale Gary, can’t argue about that.

    Have tried Y, J and F on various carriers (lucky upgrade on my last flight to 1st class suite) and will always try to move my dates / flight to secure a spot on A380 over other aircraft.

    Simply the best their is (currently).

    Tried a couple of 787 dreamliner flights on low cost carriers and they all failed to excite. Let’s hope QF do some good things with theirs next year.

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