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Court hearing adjournment continues Tiger grounding

written by WOFA | July 22, 2011

A file image of a Tiger A320. (Paul Sadler)

Tiger Airways Australia will remain grounded until at least Thursday July 28 after it sought to have a Federal Court directions hearing of CASA’s application to continue its grounding of the airline scheduled for July 22 adjourned.

“Tiger Airways Australia and CASA are currently in ongoing discussions regarding the suspension, and see no utility in having a hearing today whilst these discussions continue,” a Tiger Airways statement reads.

“Tiger Airways Australia’s flights will, by virtue of the adjournment, remain suspended to 28 July 2011.”

“CASA applied to the Federal Court on 7 July to continue the suspension until 1 August 2011, in order to complete its investigations of serious safety issues identified within Tiger Airways Australia’s operations,” the regulator said in a statement.

“CASA is aiming to complete its investigations by 1 August 2011. Decisions on a resumption of Tiger’s operations are expected to be taken by that date.”


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