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Your feedback wanted – Australian Aviation to develop an iPad app

written by WOFA | November 21, 2011

Phantom Media is in the early stages of developing an Australian Aviation iPad app, which is planned to be available in the new year.

Having ourselves been keen iPad users for some time now we think we have a good handle on the popular tablet computer’s potentials and capabilities, and how we would like the Australian Aviation app to look and function, but we’d value your feedback too.

– Do you own an iPad (or are your considering purchasing one)? Do you read magazine apps on it already?

– Would you buy the Australian Aviation iPad app?

– What features and functionality would you like to see in an app?

– Would you like it to faithfully replicate the magazine, or represent the magazine’s content in a whole new way?

– What magazine apps (whether aviation or others) do you love, or not like?


– Would special issues of the magazine exclusive to the iPad appeal?

Please leave your thoughts to those questions, and all things magazine iPad apps below, we’re very keen to hear your perspective.

Gerard Frawley

Managing Editor & Publisher

Australian Aviation


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