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Avalon to pay tribute to ANZAC veterans in 2015

written by WOFA | November 14, 2014

An F/A-18 Hornet is parked alongside a P-51 Mustang at Avalon Airport. (Defence)
An F/A-18 Hornet is parked alongside a P-51 Mustang at Avalon Airport. (Defence)

Avalon International Airshow chief executive Ian Honnery says the 2015 event will honour ANZAC veterans in what will be centenary year of the Gallipoli campaign.

Honnery says the Airshow will honour the those who fought with spectacular flying displays and ground exhibits, as well as a series of battlefield re-enactments.

“It will be the first significant observance of the Gallipoli campaign in its centenary year, and this February we will be paying tribute to Anzac and the heroes of military aviation,” Honnery said at the event’s launch at Avalon on November 14 in prepared remarks.

“We believe that in terms of significance, content and participation it will be our best airshow ever.

“It promises to be an emotional and moving tribute to our gallant aviators, the heroes of the sky, over the past 100 years to the present day.”

Avalon will bring together aircraft from the World War One, World War Two, Korean and Vietnamese eras, Honnery said.

Aircraft representing World War One included the Sopwith Camel and Pup, the famous SE5a, and RE8 bomber and French Nieuport fighter aircraft.


There were also nine Fokker and Pfalz bi-planes and tri-planes, while there would also be a Spitfire, Mustang, Boomerang, Hudson bomber and Catalina flying boat from the World War Two era.

“These old warriors will perform a great routine of simulated dog fights and other attack manouvers,” Honnery said.

Friday's media launch featured some of the aircraft that will be on display during the 2015 Avalon Airshow. (Defence)
Friday’s media launch featured some of the aircraft that will be on display during the 2015 Avalon Airshow. (Defence)
A Sabre jet passes flies past during the media launch.of the Avalon Airshow. (Defence)
A Sabre jet flies past during the media launch.of the Avalon Airshow. (Defence)

Meanwhile the Australian Defence Force said it would bring a selection of modern aircraft to Avalon, including the Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F Super Hornet multi-role fighter, C-17A Globemaster III heavy airlift aircraft, E-7A Wedgetail, KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft.

From the Royal Australian Navy were AS350 Squirrel training helicopters, a MRH-90 Taipan maritime utility helicopter, a MHR-60R ‘Romeo’ maritime combat helicopter and the Bell UHB-1 Iroquois Navy Historic Flight Helicopter.

Two Multi Role Helicopters (MRH-90 helicopters), two Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH Tigers), a M1A1 Abrams tank, a M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier, a Protected Mobility Vehicle and the elite Red Berets were heading to Avalon from the Army, Defence said in a statement.

Air Vice-Marshal Mel Hupfeld said Defence would also pay tribute to the heroes of military aviation.

“In the lead up to the 100th anniversary of the Anzac landings, the airshow will give special recognition to commemorating more than a century of military aviation service to the nation,” Air Vice-Marshal Hupfeld said in a statement.

“Since 1914, the ADF has operated more than 200 different types of military aircraft. We are proud of the courageous military air and ground crews of the past who maintained and operated these wonderful aircraft.

“Their service and sacrifice continue to inspire the men and women of today’s Defence Force.”
Honnery said the Airshow was expected to provide a $20 million boost to the Geelong region.


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