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Category: Training

And the winner is ….. Toowoomba!

Qantas has announced Wellcamp Airport in Toowoomba as the first of two sites for its pilot training academy.

Hawker Pacific awarded Air Combat Officer training contract

Hawker Pacific has been named as the prime contractor to develop the Australian Defence Force's Air Combat Officer (ACO) Training System.

TBT: A Boeing pilot flies the Qantas A380 simulator

Long before the first Qantas A380 touched down on Australian soil, its crews were well versed in the ways of the massive Airbus flagship.

TBT: When is a flying career just a job?

With ever changing demands of what it takes to pursue aviation as a career, and pilot shortages affecting Qantas, we look back at one pilot's point of view.

Australian Airports Association launches new scholarships

The Australian Airports Association (AAA) is giving seven people the opportunity to attend its 2018 national conference through a new scholarship program.

Boeing says Asia Pacific to need 240,000 new commercial pilots over next 20 years

Boeing expects pilot retirements in Asia Pacific to peak within the next decade, which may help ease demand for new pilots in the fast-growing market.


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