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Fair Work to hear AIPA Jetconnect case against Qantas

Fair Work Australia has agreed to convene a full bench to hear the Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA)’s argument that Qantas pay pilots employed by its New Zealand based Jetconnect subsidiary the same wages and conditions as it pays its Australian based pilots. AIPA claims that New Zealand based pilots employed by Jetconnect to

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New CEO appointed for Bankstown

BAC Airports Pty Ltd, which operates Bankstown and Camden airports, has appointed Colin Grove to take over as the company’s CEO. Grove was until 2008 a senior manager at Sydney Airport Corporation Limited and prior to that was the national manager of leasing for the Federal Airports Corporation. He will take up the new role

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Scramjet WaveRider set to fly

Boeing, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and the US Air Force Research Laboratory will launch the scramjet powered X-51A WaveRider on May 25 from a B-52 off the coast of southern California. The WaveRider is expected to fly for five minutes powered by its scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) motor, accelerating to approximately Mach 6.0 to ride

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QAL passenger numbers up 10 per cent

Queensland Airports Limited has released its traffic figures for April 2010 showing that the group, which operates Gold Coast, Townsville and Mount Isa airports, handled 10.3 per cent more passengers than the same time last year. Each airport recorded an increase over the month, led by Mount Isa which was up 19.5 per cent, Gold

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Airservices upgrades database


Airservices Australia has launched its ‘Mercury’ Project, which aims to upgrade the company’s aeronautical information systems to replace its ageing Aeronautical Database Management System. “The $16 million project aims to establish a world class aeronautical information management capability with a focus on improving the management and distribution of aeronautical reference data to key stakeholders,” said

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Zupp is back from there


Pilot and Australian Aviation contributor Owen Zupp has completed his ‘There and Back’ flight around Australia in a Jabiru J230D, with the aircraft returning to its starting point at Bundaberg on May 23. The charity flight, which was aimed at raising money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and celebrating the centenary of powered flight

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