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Bomb threat shuts down Albany airport

Albany regional airport in the southwest of WA was shut briefly on May 16 after a bomb scare. WA Police says that a call was made to airport officials at approximately 4:30pm on the Sunday afternoon, warning that a bomb had been placed in the airport building. The terminal was subsequently evacuated and a search

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Pentagon agrees to more US Navy Super Hornets

The US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ceded to Pentagon advice and Congressional support and has approved a multi-year buy of 124 F/A-18E/F/G Super Hornets for the US Navy. The contract, expected to be awarded in the near future, will reportedly see the aircraft acquired for at least 10 per cent less per unit, or

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Albanese rejects union criticism of new regs

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese says that the Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA) is wrong in its assertions that new cockpit security regulations will prohibit off-duty pilots from accessing the flightdeck of an operating aircraft. “The Pilot’s Association is wrong when it says the regulations exclude licensed company pilots from travelling on the flightdeck when

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RAAF, Airservices integrate air traffic management


Airservices Australia and the RAAF have signed a Joint Operational Concept to develop and implement harmonised civil and military air traffic management systems, which also promises to save millions of dollars. Under the agreement, the two organisations will align procurement processes on a range of air navigation and air traffic control systems to replace ageing

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Ties are on at Virgin Blue?

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Friday marked the first full week of the Borghetti era at Virgin Blue, and indications are that changes are already happening, particularly within the Virgin Village, with at least one senior executive announcing their resignation. Long serving head of public affairs Heather Jeffrey finished up on Friday after five years, and will be succeeded by

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Consolidation expected in Australian defence sector

Jane’s Industry Quarterly has forecast that there will be increased merger and acquisition activity within Australia’s defence industry as a result of the government’s Defence White Paper and the continued appetite of international firms to bid for Australian contracts. “M&A activity stalled in 2009 as investors waited on the sidelines while Australia set out its

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