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Bell-Boeing to offer V-22 for presidential helicopter?


The online Defense Daily has reported that Bell-Boeing is reportedly considering offering the V-22 Osprey as a contender for the VXX presidential helicopter competition to replace the current fleet of VH-3 and VH-60 aircraft. The report says a company source said that the partnership is “preparing a response to the RFI request with a VV-22

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Weapons test F-35A flies

The seventh F-35 JSF development aircraft  made its first flight from Fort Worth on April 20, flying for one hour with pilot Jeff Knowles at the controls. The aircraft, an F-35A dubbed AF-2, will be used to validate the F-35’s weapons suite, and as such is the first to be fitted with the new internal

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Embraer cuts metal for first Legacy 500


Embraer has announced that the first metal cut for the prototype Legacy 500 executive jet was made on April 19 at the company’s Sao Jose dos Campos headquarters. This first component is part of the forward fuselage, to which the radome, radar, and glide slope antenna will be attached, and was milled from a plate

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787 gains expanded TIA clearance


Boeing has announced that the FAA has granted the 787 expanded Type Inspection Authorisation (TIA) on April 20, clearing the way for FAA staff to fully participate in future test flights on the path to achieving full type certification. “This TIA expansion is another significant step toward delivering airplanes to our customers. We remain on

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Qantas resumes Europe flights as airports reopen


Virgin Atlantic, Emirates and Qatar Airways are among the carriers who have announced that they will resume flights to London Heathrow after British authorities opened all airports in the UK on the evening of April 20, while Qantas will today operate its first flights. Following a successful test flight by a British Airways 747, the

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Sikorsky/LM team for VXX presidential helicopter program


Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin have announced a teaming agreement to jointly bid for the US Navy’s revived VXX presidential helicopter program. Under the agreement Sikorsky would act as prime contractor, offering its H-92 medium lift helicopter, while Lockheed Martin would act as major subsystems integrator and supplier. Under the original VXX program, cancelled last June

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