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Caribou freight operation planned


Queensland company Caribou Cargo plans to soon commence operations with a re-engined turbo Caribou STOL transport, pitched at customers in Australia, PNG and Asia who require loads of up to 4500kg to be carried into small or unprepared airstrips. Company principal, Paul Strike, says the aircraft has been retrofitted by US based Caribou specialist Pen

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Fokker offers 737 LED retrofits

Fokker Services has developed a retrofit LED cabin lighting system for Boeing 737s, which are more reliable and require less maintenance than the existing TL system. “Fokker Services has already extensive experience with LED lighting on VIP aircraft and we can develop this modification for virtually any commercial airliner”, says Erik Goedhart, Fokker’s vice president

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Second A400M flies


The second Airbus Military A400M made its maiden flight on April 8. MSN2 took off from Seville, Spain, at 15.15 local time, landing back at Seville four hours and 50 minutes later. Aircraft captain for the flight was Michel Gagneux, joined by copilot Karl-Heinz Mai, with flight test engineers Jean-Jacques Bernard and Emiliano Requena, and

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A330-200F certified

EASA (the European Aviation Safety Agency) has granted type certification to the Airbus A330-200F, after the new freighter completed a 200 hour, two aircraft flight test campaign, which validated the aircraft’s payload as 70 tonnes, one more than originally expected. “After a very smooth and successful flight test campaign we have reached certification in line

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Virgin Blue engineers to take industrial action

Engineers at Virgin Blue have voted to take on work bans and also possible strikes after talks between the airline and the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) broke down. According to a report in The Age, the engineers could start industrial action with three days’ notice, which could range from overtime bans up to

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Viva Macau starts winding down

Viva Macau appears to have been resigned to bankruptcy, with the company posting a notice on its website that it is “seeking legal advice for an orderly and responsible winding down of the business.” The airline’s AOC was revoked by the Macau Civil Aviation Authority on March 28 after it failed to reach an agreement

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