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Tiger returns to Darwin-Melbourne route

Tiger Airways has announced that it will return to the Darwin-Melbourne route from June 18, flying six weekly services. Tiger previously cancelled its Darwin-Melbourne and Singapore-Darwin services in October 2008, citing high airport charges. This came as Jetstar began ramping up services to Darwin in an effort to make it a regional hub for services

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Quickstep signs JSF manufacturing license agreement


Perth based Quickstep Holdings has signed a Manufacturing License Agreement (MLA) with Northrop Grumman for the manufacture of up to $700 million worth of components for the JSF program. The MLA follows an MoU signed late last year, and provides export approval to Northrop Grumman to start transferring to Quickstep technical information necessary for the

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Asian traffic continues to grow in February


The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) says that a strong increase in passenger and freight traffic during February 2010 was a sign that the global economic recovery has gained momentum. For the month, the number of passengers carried by AAPA members increased by 16.9 per cent, raising RPKs by 14 per cent. Capacity increased

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Brisbane among best airports in the world

Brisbane Airport has been voted by passengers as the 18th best airport in the world at the 2010 Skytrax World Airport Awards. “We are very proud of this achievement, and to be the only Australian airport listed in the top 25 is very pleasing. These are important awards, voted by the best judges of all –

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Garuda appoints new local manager

Garuda Indonesia has appointed Bagus Y Siregar as its senior general manager South West Pacific, based in Sydney. Siregar previously held a number of general manager positions within Garuda. He has been with the airline for 23 years.

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787 undergoes “ultimate-load”


Boeing has completed ultimate-load wing up-bending testing on the 787 static test unit. The testing saw loads applied to replicate 150 per cent of the most extreme forces the 787 is ever expected to experience while in service, with the wings flexed upwards by approximately 7.6 metres. “The initial results of the ultimate-load test are

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