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Government beefs up aviation security measures


The federal government has announced a $200 million package aimed at upgrading aviation security in line with the recently released Aviation White Paper and heightened security since the attempted terrorist attack on a Delta Air Lines service on Christmas Day. Announced in a joint statement from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Transport Minister Anthony Albanese and

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Orions seven years away

The RAAF’s AP-3C Orion maritime reconnaissance fleet celebrated seven years of continuous operations in the Middle East in late January. “This milestone is a great tribute to the men and women of Air Force’s Surveillance and Response Group who have worked long hours flying and maintaining the Orions. Maintenance staff have often worked in 50C

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Japanese XC2 finally flies

The prototype of the Kawasaki Heavy Industries XC2 jet transport, formerly called the C-X, finally took to the air for the first time on January 26 after a delay of more than two years due to reported structural integrity issues. The aircraft, which looks very much like a smaller, twin engined C-17, was developed locally

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More successful tests for JASSM

Lockheed Martin’s AGM-158 JASSM missile has successfully completed three more tests since late last year, giving it a record of 18 out of 19 since flight tests resumed in September. The latest tests have renewed confidence in the program after the USAF had threatened to cancel it early last year after a series of cost

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SABR radar flies on F-16

Northrop Grumman has successfully flown its Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) AESA radar on a USAF F-16 in tests at Edwards AFB in California. The SABR is designed as a retrofit for F-16s and other fourth generation fighters as part of a greater electronics upgrade program. “This officially marks the first time a retrofit AESA

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747-8F makes first flight


The first 747-8 Freighter successfully made its first flight on February 8 from Paine Field, albeit after a slight delay due to weather conditions. Piloted by 747 chief pilot Mark Feuerstein and Captain Tom Inrich, the aircraft took off at 12:39pm local time and underwent a three hour, 39 minute test flight over western Washington, where

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