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Adelaide Airport master plan approved

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has approved Adelaide Airport’s 2009 Master Plan, which outlines the expansion of aviation and passenger facilities at the airport, including a new charter terminal, air traffic control tower, multi-level car park and hotel, road modifications, and relocation of freight handling facilities. Included in the approval are conditions which will provide for

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Gov’t attacks opposition over airport screening

The government and opposition have sparred over the changes proposed in the recently released Aviation White Paper which will extend security screening to a number of additional airports around Australia. Shadow transport minister Warren Truss MP said in a statement issued on December 22 that the additional screening requirements outlined by the government will add

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International traffic up in October

New statistics from the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) show that there was a 9.6 per cent jump in international passenger traffic during October, primarily driven by a major increase in activity from low cost carriers. Overall, 2.202 million passengers travelled into and out of Australia during the month, and follows a

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CFM LEAP-X to power C919

CFM International has won the race to power the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) C919 150-seat airliner, with its next generation LEAP-X engine selected ahead of the Pratt & Whitney PW1000G geared turbofan. Under an agreement with COMAC, CFM (which is a joint venture between General Electric and Snecma) will provide the LEAP-X1C engine

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Airservices completes upper ADS-B rollout


Airservices Australia announced on December 21 that it has completed its rollout of ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) ground stations, effectively giving radar-like coverage across Australia. The nationwide ADS-B network, as well as a digital communications backbone to support it, became fully operational from midnight on December 18. “The successful delivery of these programs

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Cessna delivers first Skycatcher

Cessna delivered its first Model 162 Skycatcher on December 18 at a delivery ceremony held at Yingling Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas. The aircraft, which recently received ASTM compliance which clears it for flights under the Light Sport Aircraft category in the US without the need for FAA certification, was delivered to Rose Pelton, the wife

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