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Etihad seeks more frequencies

Eithad Airways CEO James Hogan has met with Transport Minister Anthony Albanese in Canberra to press his case to increase the number of frequencies available between the Middle East and Australia. Hogan said that the visit was timely given negotiations on a new air services agreement between the United Arab Emirates and Australian governments which

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The Eagle has landed!

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“It’s a good day, but we’ve still got some way to go,” AEW&C program head AVM Chris Deeble told me at the occasion of the ‘initial handover’ of the first two Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft to the RAAF this morning, but the relief in his demeanour was clear. More than 40 months late and in the

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Virgin Blue to see profits in 2010

Virgin Blue chairman Neil Chatfield has told investors at the airline’s annual general meeting that the airline group is on track to post a profit for the 2009/2010 financial year. While he noted that there were encouraging signs of a rebound in the domestic market, the economic outlook both in Australia and globally was still

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Airvan gains Argentinean certification

Gippsland Aeronautics announced on November 25 that both models of the GA8 Airvan have received type certification in Argentina, as the company targets potential markets in South America. The company says that it sees particularly good potential for the GA8 TC-320, which features a turbocharged Lycoming engine, for operations through the Andes. Airvans have been

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Jetstar now to get 25 787s


Qantas says that its Jetstar subsidiary will now receive half of the Boeing 787 Dreamliners the airline group has ordered, raising the prospect that the budget carrier will operate the majority of the Qantas Group’s new international routes over coming years. Qantas made the statement in clarifying a presentation made by group executive operations Qantas

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Fokker Services launches new support packages

Fokker Services launched a range of new support packages under the FLYFokker brand for current and potential operators of Fokker 50s and 100s at the Dubai Airshow. The FLYFokker package comprises four separate solutions. The Take Off solution is aimed at startup operators, and helps reduce time to operations from six months to six weeks,

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