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Embraer establishes new fuels group

Embraer, General Electric and Amyris signed a memorandum of understanding on November 18 which will see the companies collaborate on the development of renewable jet fuels. “Greening the skies is a rather complex subject and requires broad industry expertise and commitment,” says Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer president & CEO. “The partnership with top level players

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Brindabella looks to new regional services


Canberra based Brindabella Airlines has commenced negotiations with the New South Wales government on possible subsidies to restore flights to Bourke, Walgett and Cobar. According to ABC News, Brindabella is proposing to operate twice daily services to the towns, connecting them to services from Dubbo to Sydney, utilising a Cessna Caravan. The airline is understood

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RAAF C-130s relocate to new base in Middle East


The RAAF’s three-strong C-130J detachment in the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) has completed its relocation to Al Minhad Air Base near Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The final sortie of a C-130J from its former Middle East home base of Al-Udeid in Qatar was greeted by a traditional firetruck water canon salute

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Airspace changes for Williamtown/Newcastle


CASA has announced changes to airspace arrangements in the Williamtown/Newcastle area following a review of a number of studies by the organisation’s Office of Airspace Regulation. From November 19, Class E airspace will apply from 4500ft up to 8500ft when ATC is not operating, and class E airspace aircraft operating to instrument flight rules will

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UAVs shot down in laser test


Boeing and the USAF successfully tested the ability of a laser weapon to defend against airborne targets by shooting down five UAVs during a test earlier this year. The test, conducted at NAS China Lake in California using a system dubbed Mobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments (MATRIX) saw the mobile, trailer-mounted system shoot

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V-22 & F-35B exhausts too hot for carrier decks


The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking proposals for the development of a thermal management system (TMS) for aircraft landing decks to counter the effects of the heat from the exhausts of MV-22 Osprey and F-35B engine exhausts. The call comes after a recent deployment of USMC MV-22 Ospreys which resulted in the

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