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Qantas joins Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group


Qantas announced on November 2 that it has joined the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group (SAFUG), which is working towards the development of sustainable aviation fuel. “Through the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group we are joining other industry partners to work together to lessen the environmental impact of aviation,” said Qantas CEO Alan Joyce. “Qantas

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‘Father of FANS’ to speak at Airways Museum open day


The Essendon based Airways Museum will host a speech by Adjunct Professor Brian O’Keeffe AO will speak on ‘The Genesis of the Future Air Navigation System (FANS)’ at its open day on Saturday 14 November. Professor O’Keeffe is known as the ‘Father of FANS’, and has been involved in the development of a number of

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Qantas, Virgin Blue loads higher

Data released by Qantas and Virgin Blue to the Australian Securities Exchange shows that both airlines recorded overall higher load factors during September, compared to the same time last year. Collectively, the Qantas Group saw a 6.6 per cent increase in passengers, which lifted RPKs by 2.7 per cent, while load factor was 3.9 percentage

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ACCC to approve Delta-Virgin Blue tie up


The ACCC issued a draft determination on November 2 to allow Delta Air Lines and Virgin Blue to operate their proposed joint venture on trans-Pacific routes. “The ACCC considers that the joint venture is likely to assist Virgin Blue and Delta to compete more effectively against the incumbents on the routes, Qantas and United Airlines,”

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Qantas responds to Fiji decision

Qantas has expressed its disappointment in the IASC’s decision to only award it four weekly services on the Fiji route, claiming that the allocation would not allow its services to be viable. The airline, which filed in competition with V Australia for capacity to Fiji, says in its response to the IASC’s draft determination that

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Australian forces consolidate in Middle East


The Australian military contingent based in the Persian Gulf region is preparing to consolidate its support elements and move into a new centralised base in an undisclosed country on the gulf. Currently dispersed among four bases in the region, the new base will be home to the RAAF’s AP-3C Orions and C-130H/J Hercules based in

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