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Airbus set to match 2008 deliveries

“We’re on track to repeat the 2008 delivery record of 483 planes in 2009,” said Tom Williams, Airbus’s vice president of programs at a briefing in Wales on October 28. He added that the A380 program was “not running as smoothly as we would like,” appearing to confirm earlier comments from CEO Louis Gallois that

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Asian traffic steady in September

The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) reports that passenger traffic on its member airlines was stable during September, possibly pointing towards a steady recovery for the region’s airlines. Compared to the same time last year, passenger numbers in September decreased by a mere 0.2 per cent to 10.75 million. A 6.1 per cent cut

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Adelaide sets new record

Adelaide Airport set a new record for passenger traffic over the 2008/09 financial year, despite the economic downturn. The airport says in its annual report that 6.9 million passengers passed through the airport over the year, a 2.3 per cent increase on the prior financial year. This was driven by a 2.9 per cent increase

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Godfrey to speak at Queensland Media Club

Virgin Blue CEO Brett Godfrey will give a speech entitled “Managing through the toughest aviation period since the declaration of WW2” on November 19 for the Queensland Media Club. The speech will be hosted at the Presidential Ballroom in The Sebel and Citigate King George Square in Brisbane from 12pm-2:30pm.

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Eurocopter wins MRJ contract


Eurocopter Deutschland has been selected to design and manufacture the doors for the Mistubishi Regional Jet. Dr Wolfgang Schoder, CEO of Eurocopter Deutschland, said during the contract signature ceremony in Nagoya on October 28, “This is a significant success for our company. We are very proud to continue the long and successful relationship between Eurocopter

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Thai Airways faces ACCC charges on cargo cartel

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) launched proceedings against Thai Airways International on October 29 in the Federal Court as a result of the cargo fuel surcharge cartel investigation. The ACCC alleges that between 2001 and 2006 Thai “entered into arrangements or understandings with other international air cargo carriers in specific countries that had

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