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Air Routing International targeting business aviation in Australasian push

Houston based Air Routing International, which provides business aviation trip and flight planning, is making a push into the Australasian business aviation market with the appointment of a new Australian based regional business development representative. The company says it sees particular opportunities for its suite of online flight support tools, particularly for corporate operators. “Our

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AAPA calls for global approach to emissions

Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) director general Andrew Herdman used the Greener Skies conference in Hong Kong to reiterate his organisation’s position that there needs to be political support for a global approach to tackle emissions from the international airline industry. Herdman noted that the AAPA has expressed its full support for industry targets

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Jetstar seeks more Vietnam flights

Qantas has applied to the International Air Services Commission (IASC) for an allocation of unlimited capacity from points other than Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane to Vietnam, which would allow Jetstar to increase its flights from Darwin. Jetstar plans to operate two additional weekly services on its Darwin-Ho Chi Minh City route during peak periods

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AH-6i makes first flight


Boeing announced at the US Army Annual Meeting and Exposition that its AH-6i light attack/reconnaissance helicopter made its first flight on September 16. The AH-6i is based on a modified OH-6 Cayuse helicopter, and features an integrated digital cockpit, an integrated weapons system, and a communications package that enables connectivity with other aircraft and ground

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McArdle appointed as chairman of SA Freight Council

John McArdle, Adelaide Airport Limited’s general manager – corporate affairs, Adelaide and Parafield Airports, was elected as the chairman of the South Australian Freight Council at its recent AGM. He replaces Vincent Tremaine, who has stood down from the position after nearly seven years. McArdle is also currently the national chairman of the Australasian Airports’

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Airbus, Boeing and Embraer announce 3Q deliveries

Airbus, Boeing and Embraer have announced their deliveries for the third quarter of the year. Airbus sold 59 aircraft for the three months ending September 30, comprising 50 A320s, two A330-200Fs and seven A330-300s. Over the same period, the European airframer delivered 104 aircraft, comprising of 82 A320 Family aircraft, 15 A330s, four A340-600s and

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