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In pictures: Airports turned to aircraft graveyards

Airports all over the world have turned to graveyards, as airlines globally have been forced to ground the majority - if not all - of their fleets, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Government launches next round of Remote Airstrip Upgrade program

Owners and operators of remote airports will be able to apply for the next round the federal government's Remote Airstrip Upgrade program from October 1.

Qantas, Virgin Australia take call for airport reforms to Canberra

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and Virgin Australia CEO Paul Scurrah have shared a stage at Canberra's National Press Club calling for reforms to airport regulation.

Industry groups back calls for airport reforms

A coalition of airport users has backed calls from lobby group Airlines for Australia and New Zealand for reforms to the way airports are regulated.

Inquiry calls for Productivity Commission to investigate regional air services

The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee has published its report into the operation, regulation and funding of regional air services.

Anti-drone measure push to protect airports

Airports Council International (ACI) has passed a resolution calling on law enforcement and regulators to work with industry on anti-drone measures.


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