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GECAS mulling 787 order

written by WOFA | October 30, 2009

In a rare spot of good news for the Boeing 787, it has been revealed lessor GE Commercial Aviation Services is considering a firm order for as many as 30 aircraft.

“We expect some delivery slots will open to accommodate an order of that size,” GECAS executive vice president for product evaluation and strategy Bill Carpenter told Air Transport Intelligence. “GECAS would also seek to support previously committed airline customer orders through purchase and leaseback financing. Where there is customer demand, we want to be part of it.”

Carpenter added that the lessor would be looking to take delivery of the aircraft in three to five years after placing its order, and would prefer to complete initial deliveries by 2018. Tellingly, he also noted that the company was “more optimistic” about the 787-9, but is not ruling out an order for the smaller -8.

“The -8 still promises to deliver performance and economics not currently available in any variant within its payload category. If the 787 meets its marketed specifications with respect to passenger comfort, range, weight and fuel consumption, and is priced well, then it promises to be a great aircraft as well as a great investment,” he said.


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