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RA-Aus MTOW increase knocked down by CASA

written by WOFA | October 13, 2009

A push by the Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus) to increase the maximum takeoff weight limit of aircraft which can use the RA-Aus register has been closed by CASA.

Under the RA-Aus request, CASA started a project in June 2006 to examine a proposal to increase the MTOW limit for aircraft operating under CAO 95.55 to increase to 750kg, instead of the current limits of 544kg for certificated aircraft and 600kg for light sport aircraft. CASA notes on its website that it “believes that there would be no adverse safety impact by operating these aircraft with increased weight provided the aircraft are certificated to a suitable standard that allows up to 750kg.”

“However, it is expected that the increase in the MTOW for RA-Aus operations may be controversial for other sectors of the aviation community and CASA needs to undertake a broad and proper consultative process through this project.” As such, CASA advised on October 12 that the project has been closed.


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