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Embraer delivers 100th Phenom 100

written by WOFA | February 3, 2010
photo - Embraer
photo - Embraer

Embraer has delivered its 100th Phenom 100 very light jet, to US based charter company JetSuite.

“Delivering the 100th Phenom 100 jet just over one year after its certification represents an important achievement for Embraer,” said Luís Carlos Affonso, Embraer executive vice president – Executive Jets. “We are very glad to have delivered this commemorative plane to JetSuite and to contribute to their innovative and expanding business.”

The Phenom 100 received its Brazilian certification in December 2008, with FAA and EASA certification following soon after. Since then, the global fleet of Phenom 100s, flying in over 10 countries, has logged more than 7000 flight hours.


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