Giant lessor International Lease Finance Corporation (ILFC) has delayed delivery of the 10 Airbus A380s it has on order by one year.
The company was scheduled to take five of the aircraft in 2013, followed by three the next year and two the year after that, but regulatory filings by the company say that it will delay delivery of each of the aircraft by one year. The company did not cite a specific reason for the delay, but it is thought that a lack of customers as well as funding challenges due to the restructuring of its parent company AIG could be behind the decision.
Last year there was strong speculation that the lessor could cancel its order after former CEO Steven Udvar-Hazy reportedly expressed concerns about the market for the A380 and the high costs to reconfigure it to different airline needs. ILFC had an option to cancel its A380 order from the start of January up to June 30, and the company says that this has been extended for a further six months.
ILFC is currently the only leasing company to have ordered the A380.