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Airvan to fly around the world

written by WOFA | April 8, 2010
Round-the-world pulots Tim Pryse and Ken Evers.
Round-the-world pilots Tim Pryse and Ken Evers.

Two pilots from Bendigo will take on a round-the-world flight in a Gippsland Aeronautics GA8-TC to commemorate the centenary of powered flight in Australia, as well as to raise funds and awareness to fight malaria.

Ken Evers, 33, and Tim Pryse 51, will depart from Bendigo Aerodrome on May 8 bound for Norfolk Island on the first leg of a journey across the Pacific through to Arizona and New Orleans. From there they will travel to Jamaica and Barbados before heading south to Brazil, then due east across the Atlantic to Africa, on to India, Vietnam, the Philippines, PNG and back to Australia.

The pilots hope to raise $1 million in the fight against malaria by inviting donations online to two nominated charities – Mission Aviation Fellowship and the Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and Pacific.

For further details about Ken’s and Tim’s epic journey and an opportunity to donate online to MAF, go to www.millionsagainstmalaria.com.


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