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Rex welcomes Sydney price cap

written by WOFA | June 4, 2010

photo - Andrew McLaughlin
photo - Andrew McLaughlin

Regional Express has welcomed a recent move by the federal government to extend a cap on airport charges for regional airlines at Sydney Airport until 2013.

“Rex is pleased that the government has been decisive and proactive in addressing this critical issue for regional aviation in a timely and efficient manner,” said Rex managing director Jim Davis.

“This decision, together with the recently announced federal grant of almost $1.1 million to assist Wagga Wagga City Council install an instrument landing system, clearly demonstrates a firm intention of the government to deliver on its promises to regional aviation as outlined in Australia’s first-ever aviation White Paper released in December last year.”

Rex operates 28,000 regional flights each year through Sydney Airport, and it says that the approximately 600,000 passengers who use these services will benefit from the cap.

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese announced that the federal government would extend a Declaration and Determination under the Trade Practices Act which would prevent Sydney Airports Corporation Limited from increasing landing and takeoff fees for regional airlines above the consumer price index.


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