Tiger Airways has launched a paid email subscription service which it says will allow subscribers to access the airline’s cheapest fares.
Called ‘Stripes’, the program will charge subscribers $29.95 per year to give members priority access to special fares and other promotions across both the Australian and Asian networks of Tiger Airways. The program, which does not offer any loyalty rewards or perks other than access to special fares, was ‘soft launched’ on October 1 and Tiger says that it has had a strong response since then.
“We’re all about liberating people to fly more often for much less than ever before and with a Stripes 12 month membership, customers will be able to do just that. It’s very simple, pay once, and get first dip to our famous low fares for 12 months,” said Tiger Airways Australia’s managing director Crawford Rix.
The move to a paid for email subscription service is a first for the region, with airlines traditionally offering promotional email subscriptions at no cost. However, some have suggested that the move will help the airline to build a strong database of passengers who have a degree of loyalty to the airline which could then be used for other purposes.