The RAAF’s AP-3C Orion Advanced Flight Simulator (AFS) has been awarded Level 5 accreditation by Simulinc, the highest available under ADF regulations.
The AP-3C AFS was developed by a team form Thales in Australia and the UK and provides full flight performance, flightdeck and tactical training capabilities for the RAAF. With the awarding of Level 5 accreditation, pilot and flight engineer students are now able to undertake training on the simulator in place of an actual aircraft, freeing up the fleet to focus on operational duties. Future AP-3C upgrades can also be incorporated into the simulator.
The accreditation followed a comprehensive development program involving close collaboration between teams from Thales Australia, the RAAF and the Defence Materiel Organisation.
“The achievement of this critical milestone strengthens our longstanding partnership and close working relationship with the DMO and RAAF, and confirms Thales’s position as a leading provider of best-practice military flight training solutions,” said Thales Australia CEO Chris Jenkins.