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Qantas launches new social media and advertising campaign

written by WOFA | June 29, 2012

A screenshot from Qantas's new video clip launching its new "You're the reason we fly" campaign.

Qantas has launched a new advertising and social media campaign aimed at repairing its damaged image.

The campaign features a new tagline, “You’re the reason we fly” and a subtle change to the slogan on the side of two of its aircraft, an Airbus A380 and a Boeing 737, to ‘The Spirit of Australians’.

“Our customers wanted to see us take a different and more creative approach… they wanted us to talk about the people, the spirit of Australians and not just the place,” said Qantas executive manager marketing Lewis Pullen.

A large part of the campaign is based on using social media, with the airline launching a dedicated website where members from the public will be able to upload photos of themselves to be part of an advertising campaign, and also have their name applied to the ‘The Spirit of Australians’ A380 and 737.

Qantas has also released an iPhone and Android app called ‘Qantas You’ to allow users to participate in the campaign.

“We feel this campaign is highly inclusive, interactive and engaging and incorporates some world firsts in the form of digital advertising,” said Mr Pullen.

While the new round of advertising will see the ‘I Still Call Australia Home’ anthem benched, Qantas says that the song remains its anthem and will appear in further campaigns.



  • John Harrison


    I only wish Qantas could get itself back in peoples “good books” Improve its service, on and off the aircraft,
    somehow get the greatness back into the company. I wish the luck, although I think luck will not have too much to do with it. The company has great staff, let them show the way and get the stuffiness of senior management
    out of the way.

  • Bandit


    I don’t think this is going to help the image much, the attitudes need to change if they want to succeed. Staff morale and attitude is what they need to get back on track. Look what Air New Zealand did, old airline that turned themselves around, take a look at them AJ and get some pointers!

  • Norman



  • Ray


    I agree with Norman. Al the inclusive advertising in the world wont be worthwhile if the service is no good. In my experience, the staff on the planes are great, but on the ground is another thing altogether

  • richard wallace


    Qantas is old by world standards, actually it is the second oldest. In todays world, being old is somewhat of a handicap, perhaps it has always been that way. But for an airline to be old, experience is the key word. There are no finer tech crews than at Qantas, and when things go wrong, they respond magnificently. Airlines generally have, for the last few years, continued to over promise, and now the average pasenger expects too much. When we all sit back travelling at 900 kilometres an hour, with food, drink and personal entertainment, spare a thought for those who safely fly us to our destinations. The campaign that Qantas has just announce is lame by any standard, people need to be “moved” to buy a ticket, staff need to be “moved” to work efficiently and with style. The airline needs to find the biggest broom in the world and start cleaning, starting with a new livery. The current one is old, the wrong type of old, not the old of experience, but the old of tired and boring, and by the way maybe the airline should start flying somewhere, it appears to be a network airlinne, without a network.

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