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Tiger celebrates 10 millionth passenger

written by WOFA | February 19, 2013

TIger has celebrated 10 million passengers as it expands its network. (Seth Jaworski)

Tiger Airways celebrated its 10 millionth passenger on February 19. The airline marked the occasion with a $10 fare sale on its most popular routes.

Tiger’s commercial director Carly Brear said: “Tiger’s presence brings healthy competition and local economic benefits to Australia. 10 million passengers is a significant achievement. We would like to thank everyone who has chosen to fly Tiger to date. Our $10 sale is one way we can give back to our growing fan base and perhaps get those who haven’t tried Tiger before to do so.”

The airline recently announced a tranche of new routes including Melbourne-Sunshine Coast, Sydney-Cairns and a return to Alice Springs from Sydney and Melbourne. Tiger has also introduced flights between Sydney and Coffs Harbour.

“We’re an airline that continues to expand based on customer demand. Our goal now is to become the airline of choice for both value and service for the next 10 million passengers that we hope get the opportunity to fly with Tiger,” said Brear.

The 10 millionth passenger received a $1,000 travel voucher from Tiger.

The airline started operations on November 23 2007.


  • Enjay


    It’s been a rocky beginning, but 10 million passengers is an achievement that other start-ups could have only dreamed of. Unfortunatley, Tiger is still seen as the flying “Greyhound”, cheap fares, average service & unreliable if you really need to be at your destination on time. That television show was a PR nightmare. Hopefully the new management & a different business plan,Tiger can get the broader travelling public to accept that they are a worthy alternative. Competition is good.

  • Max Oliver


    I have flown with Tiger on about two dozen occasions since they started flying in Australia.
    I have never had a delayed or cancelled fight, problem with excess baggage, or late check-in.
    As long as you abide by Tiger’ s fare rules and conditions, which are far from onerous, you
    will should never have problems.
    Not only do I love flying with Tiger on their relatively new and spotless aeroplanes, I have
    saved a lot of money in comparison to what I would have paid to fly with other carriers.
    Keep up the good work Tiger…you help to keep the others honest.

  • Ron


    “Our goal now is to become the airline of choice for both value and service…” sounds a lot like Virgin Australia’s mantra, which is fine if the VA acquisition goes through. There’s nothing wrong with aligning their ideology with their new owners, even at this early stage. But if the ACCC rejects the deal, are we likely to see VA start their own ultra-LCC & rub Tiger off the map?

  • Ice_queen


    10 million passengers delivered? more likely 5 million actual passengers and another 5 million ripped off through dodgy check in procedures!

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