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Brisbane Airport ranked first for customer service by ACCC

written by WOFA | April 30, 2013

BNE enjoys good customer feedback as it continues to grow despite peak time congestion.

Brisbane Airport (BNE) has retained its first place Australian ranking for quality of service for the ninth consecutive year in the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) 2011-12 Airport Monitoring Report.

Brisbane also received the highest rating out of five airports for quality of service by passengers for the fourth consecutive year, and a rating of second out of five airports for airport services and facilities by airports.

Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) CEO Julieanne Alroe said retaining the number one ranking is a credit to the airport’s 20,000 workers.

Acknowledging the past year had been particularly challenging for all of Australia’s major airports, Alroe said, “While we’re pleased with this result, we recognise there will always be room for improvement.”

While the report acknowledged there was congestion emerging at all the monitored airports, it makes reference to Brisbane’s current runway system being likely to reach capacity in the next two years.  In fact, this statement is directly in relation to peak morning and afternoon time slots only.

“This report does not differentiate between peak time capacity and overall airport capacity, which may lead to the incorrect assumption that Brisbane Airport will reach full capacity by 2015. This is not the case, as Brisbane retains significant opportunities for both domestic and international growth outside of peak times,” Alroe explained.

“BAC also continues to work closely with Airservices and the airlines in implementing a number of short-term measures to ensure our current runway operations are as efficient as possible. This includes being a signatory to, and contributing significantly to the delivery of, the 23 point Airport Capacity Enhancement program recently announced by Airservices, refining the current slot management system and ultimately, the construction of our New Parallel Runway,” Alroe said.


The ACCC report also comments on BAC’s ongoing investments in aeronautical infrastructure, noting the airport operator has delivered more than $1 billion in aeronautical assets since 2001/02 – second only to Sydney Airport.


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