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US sells eight Apaches to Indonesia

written by WOFA | August 27, 2013

A Block III Apache. (Boeing)

The US will sell eight new AH-64E Apache attack helicopters to Indonesia in a deal that aims to further strengthen military relations between the countries.

During a recent visit to Indonesia, US defense secretary Chuck Hagel said the US$500 million deal would include pilot training, maintenance and radars. A delivery schedule for the eight helicopters was not disclosed.

Hagel told reporters during the visit: “A strong Indonesia is good for the region. Providing Indonesia these world-class helicopters is an example of our commitment to help build Indonesia’s military capability.”

Indonesia’s defence allocations for 2014 are US$7.65 billion, representing the largest share of any government program.

Military relations between the US and Indonesia were restored in 2005 after a more than three-decade severance of ties during the Suharto presidency.


  • Raymond


    So Indonesia will have top-notch Apache choppers in their inventory, but not Australia… Seems a little incongruous to me. What’s more, who has confidence in the Indonesian military using attack / COIN aircraft ethically?

  • John N


    When it comes to Indonesia I’m always in two minds, I’m showing my age there.

    On the one hand the issues we have had with them in the past and their poor record when it comes to minorities, but on the other hand their level of democracy has certainly improved and certainly by the standards of democracy in Asia and SE Asia, so lets just hope they continue on that path.

    At the end of the day, a sovereign nation has a right to an effective defence force (just as we do), so lets just hope that the Apaches will be used to assist in the security of our region.

    Indonesia certainly has a growing economy, by GDP, now 16th in the world (Australia is 12th), they also have the largest economy in SE Asia too and in years to come it will be a lot larger and stronger.

    Which is probably where I get a bit annoyed, they can afford to spend $500m on new Apaches (and other equipment too), yet here in Australia we give them defence equipment for ‘free’ or almost free, eg, the ex-RAAF C130H aircraft for example.

    Oh well, I suppose that’s part of being a good neighbour to our ‘fiends’ to the near north of us!


    John N

  • Raymond


    Was that meant to be ‘friends’ or ‘fiends’…?!

    Yes, they can spend fairly big $$$ on new equipment when they want to, but when it comes to buying from Australia, well we bend over backwards to give them a deal too good to refuse. Hmmmm…

    While we’re on the topic, I have wondered in times gone by why we pay top dollar for everything we get from the US, but many other countries seem to get super-special deals and even equipment gifted to them. Is it just my perception, or do others get privileges we don’t, just because we are ‘seen’ to be able to afford it?

  • Ronald Reardon


    Pity we did not select the Apache when we had the choice.

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