Lockheed Martin has been awarded a US$3.68bn modification to the previously awarded low rate initial production lot 6 advance acquisition contract (LRIP 6) for the procurement of 31 F-35 Lightning II aircraft.
The 31 aircraft comprise 18 F-35A conventional take-off and landing aircraft; six F-35B short take-off vertical landing aircraft; and seven F-35C carrier variant aircraft for the US Navy. The company has also been awarded an additional US$753.4m modification to LRIP 6 to provide non-recurring sustainment and logistics support for delivered and projected air systems, including site stand-up and depot activation activities and the procurement of Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) hardware and software; training systems; support equipment and spares.
A further US$374,495,232 modification to LRIP 6 will provide for the manufacture and delivery of initial spares in support of 60 LRIP 6 and LRIP 7 aircraft. Included in LRIP 6 are two F-35As – AU-1 and AU-2 – for the RAAF.