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BITRE reports November traffic stats

written by WOFA | January 29, 2014

Melbourne-Sydney was again Australia's busiest city pair in November.
Melbourne-Sydney was again Australia’s busiest city pair in November.

The Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development’s Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics has released its report into Domestic Aviation Activity November 2013.

The report shows that 4,860,000 passengers were carried on Australia’s RPT network in November 2013, about 2.1 per cent fewer than the 4,970,000 that were carried in the same month the previous year.

Despite the drop in November, the whole year is trending upwards, with the year ending November 30 showing 57,380,000 passengers were carried, a 1.8 per cent increase over the 56,340,000 carried to November 30 the previous year.

The busiet city pair on Australia’s RPT network remains Melbourne-Sydney, with 8,225,200 passengers flying on that route in the year to November 2013, compared to 8,012,800 in the same period in 2012. Second was Brisbane-Sydney, and third was Brisbane-Melbourne, both of which were stable, while Hobart-Melbourne rounded out the top 10.

Load factor percentages on the Melbourne-Sydney route were a healthy 85.6 per cent in November 2013 compared to 83.5 per cent the previous November, while only Brisbane-Melbourne, Melbourne-Perth and Hobart-Melbourne recorded less than 80 per cent loads. The best average load factor recorded for the month was Adelaide-Sydney with 86.4 per cent.

Sydney again led the way as Australia’s busiest airport, with 2,189,200 passengers using its facilities in November, a drop of 1.2 per cent over the previous year. Melbourne was second with 1,978,700, and Brisbane was third with 1,449,000 passengers using its terminals.


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