Using small drones to deliver packages straight to your door isn’t a new idea: businesses from Amazon to UPS are already experimenting with the technology. But now the company that owns China’s largest express delivery service is taking the concept further, SF Holdings said. The company has successfully completed a trial of the country’s first

In this episode, Adam and Boo discuss what the upcoming UAV revolution could look like and how the industry will transition from pre to post coronavirus.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has confirmed that an Airbus high-altitude surveillance and communications drone that broke up in-flight in September 2019 did so due to unstable weather conditions. The Zephyr solar-electric unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) weighs around 65 kilograms, and requires a crew of at least four people to launch. It can linger at

The future of parcel deliveries made via drone just became one step closer to reality in the UK, with the creation of the world’s first ‘flight corridor’ – a commercial airspace created specifically for drones. The new ‘aerial highway’ for drones, to be located just south of Reading in the south-east of England, will span

Michael Richardson argues drones do more than just shoot video: they new perspective changes how we view events.

US retail multinational Walmart has launched a pilot program this week that will see its first deliveries made by drones in Fayetteville, North Carolina. According to the retailer, it will begin delivering “select grocery and household essential items” by drone in the local area using automated drones, operated by Israeli start-up company Flytrex. Flytex received