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Category: Podcasts

WOFA PODCAST: Frequentis with Mark Robinson

On this Australian Aviation podcast Mark Robinson from Frequentis talks about Remote Virtual Towers and Aeronautical Information Management solutions.

WOFA PODCAST : Fun Flight with Michel Verheem
Future of Aviation

Fun Flight has taken more than 10,000 kids for their first flight in a light aircraft, and in many cases, their first flight ever.

WOFA PODCAST: iFly Flat with Steve Hui
Good Kit

This Australian Aviation podcast talks with Steve Hui, founder of iFly Flat, which helps consumers make the most of their frequent flyer points.

WOFA PODCAST: Sydney Metro Airports CEO Lee de Winton

This Australian Aviation podcast talks with Lee de Willton, the chief executive of Sydney Metro Airports, which owns Bankstown and Camden airports.

WOFA PODCAST: A look at the GE9X engine with with Ted Ingling

We were joined on the Australian Aviation podcast by Ted Ingling, the program general manager for the GE9X, the engine that will power the Boeing 777-X.

WOFA PODCAST: Western Sydney Airport CEO Graham Millett

This edition of the Australian Aviation podcast talks with Graham Millett, chief executive of the Western Sydney Airport being built at Badgerys Creek.


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