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New ground movement system for Sydney


Airservices Australia has rolled out a $35 million Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) at Sydney Airport, which it says will help to improve safety for aircraft and ground vehicles. The system allows air traffic controllers to see an electronic picture of what is happening on the ground at any time through the

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Boeing delivers HFMOD


Boeing Defence Australia has completed testing and begun handing over the High Frequency Modernisation (HFMOD) project for the Australian Defence Force. “The purpose of the HFMOD is to provide the ADF with a secure, cost-effective information exchange capability for the command and control of deployed forces as a primary survivable system and as a parallel

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Albanese tightens cockpit security

Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has announced that he is reintroducing legislation covering controversial new regulations which would limit access to an aircraft’s flightdeck during flight, despite the same regulations being voted down by the Senate last year. Under the proposed legislation, which would take effect from May 22, only the operating pilots and those with

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Emirates makes record profit

The Emirates Group has defied the economic slowdown over the past year, recording a 248 per cent increase in net profit for the financial year ending March 31. “It has been an exceptional year of continued profitability against a backdrop of the worst global recession in generations,” said Emirates Group chairman and CEO HH Sheikh

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Quickstep wins new USAF research contract

Quickstep Holdings and its US partner Vector Composites have been awarded a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract by the US Air Force for materials used in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). Under the contract, the two companies will conduct research focusing on process qualification of bismaleimide (BMI) and epoxy resin composite

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CHC appoints new Australian managing director


CHC Helicopter has appointed Rick Burt, currently senior vice president of Canada’s Cougar Helicopters, as managing director of its Australian operations as it seeks to grow its local business units while aligning them more closely with CHC’s global operations. “We are delighted to have someone with Rick’s scope and experience join CHC Helicopter,” said Christine

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