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Airbus to deliver 13 A380s this year


Sources close to Airbus claim that it will only deliver 13 A380s this year, one fewer than planned as the program continues to face ongoing challenges, according to reports. CEO Louis Gallois has confirmed that the company “might” deliver 13 A380s this year, but has not yet confirmed that it will be below its latest

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Asian airlines still critical – AAPA

Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) director general Andrew Herdman has labelled the condition of a number of the region’s airlines as “critical” as the organisation revealed new data showing passenger numbers continued their lower trend during August. Compared to the same time last year, scheduled passenger traffic was down by 2.9 per cent in

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Keel laid for first RAN LHD

The keel for the Navy’s first amphibious Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), HMAS Canberra, was laid last week at shipbuilder Navantia’s yards in Ferrol, Spain. The vessel is the first of two LHDs to be acquired under Project JP2048 for the support of deployed forces ashore and for regional disaster relief work. Navantia has been contracted

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EP-X delay?

The US Navy has proposed a delay to its EP-X program to replace its small fleet of EP-3E Aries electronic and signals intelligence (ELINT/SIGINT) aircraft as part of a strategy to save billions of dollars in its budget over the next decade.

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Wedgetail flare testing

A RAAF Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft commenced flare system testing over the Hood Canal near Seattle on September 28. The aircraft is being accompanied by a Boeing T-33 chase aircraft with testing scheduled to run to October 15.

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New NH90 sim unveiled


French company Helisim has unveiled its new NH 90 simulator at the Eurocopter facility in Marignane in France. The new simulator will be used by French and Australian pilots first. It is the model upon which manufacturer Thales will base the two simulators ordered by the Australian Army for its MRH 90 fleet. Helisim is

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