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International Air Transport Association
Global air passenger demand up 13.8% in March, but capacity concerns loom
General Aviation

Global air passenger demand rose 13.8% in March 2024 compared to the same month last year, according to data released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Total capacity, measured in available seat kilometers (ASK), was up 12.3% year-on-year, with the March load factor reaching 82.0%, a 1.0 percentage point increase compared to March 2023.

IATA calls for urgent action to deepen understanding of aviation contrails and their climate impact
Future of Aviation

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for urgent action to deepen the understanding of the formation and climate impact of aviation contrails in order to develop effective mitigation measures. In a newly released report titled “Aviation Contrails and their Climate Effect: Tackling Uncertainties and Enabling Solutions”, IATA highlights the complexity of contrail science,

UK joins IATA to plead for slot rule changes

The United Kingdom government has asked for the EU to relax airport slot rules, which have led to the phenomenon of empty “ghost flights”.

COVID-19 impact could be four times early reports: IATA

Coronavirus could cost the aviation industry four times as much as previously thought, the International Air Transport Association has said.

Coronavirus causes slowest traffic growth in a decade: IATA

New figures released by the International Air Transport Association for January shows the slowest traffic growth since 2010’s volcanic ash crisis.

Airline profitability falls in first quarter of 2019: IATA

Profitability among the world's airlines was down by nearly half in the first quarter of 2019, figures from International Air Transport Association show.


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