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More A380 sales expected this year

Airbus’s forthright COO Customers, John Leahy, has confidently predicted he can raise the order backlog for the low selling A380 by 20 sales by the end of 2010. Speaking to media at the company’s annual Innovation Days briefings at Broughton in north Wales, Leahy said he had initially expected 10 new orders for the A380

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Aviation fuel excise increase to boost CASA

The aviation fuel excise is increasing under the federal government’s 2010-11 budget from 2.854 to 3.556 cents per litre to increase CASA funding over the next four years by $89.9 million. The 0.702 cents per litre, or 25 per cent increase in the excise will fund “97 permanent positions for safety specialists, safety analysts and

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ACT gov’t looks to new GA airport


The Australian Capital Territory government has allocated $50,000 to conduct a feasibility study into developing a general aviation airport at Williamsdale, to Canberra’s south. According to The Canberra Times, Canberra Region Aviators Association vice president Michael Monck said that such an airport would help to meet strong demand from recreational flyers in the ACT. “We’ve

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Lufthansa to use biofuels from 2012

Lufthansa has announced that it plans to power its aircraft using jet fuel blended with biofuels from 2012, despite the carrier not having been involved in any test flying of biofuels. CEO Wolfgang Mayrhuber said that the carrier was hoping to gain two major benefits from moving to use biofuel blends to power its fleet.

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Airbus to ship KC-30 support equipment to RAAF


Airbus Military has started shipping tooling, spares and other support equipment to the RAAF and prime contractor Qantas Defence Services to support the introduction of the KC-30A Multirole Tanker Transports, the first of which will be delivered this year. Over the next three months, Airbus Military will deliver 4000 spares and 500 units of ground

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Global Airvan flight underway


The Millions for Malaria round-the-world flight in a Gippsland Aeronautics GA 8-TC Turbo Airvan took off from Bendigo on May 8 in a record-setting attempt aimed at fighting malaria in the Asia Pacific region. The Airvan, which is owned by Gippsland Aeronautics, is being piloted by Ken Evers and Tim Pryse, and will become the

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